Currently there are over 11,000 children
in foster care in Missouri.
Over 2,000 children are waiting for a forever family.

Adoption and Foster Care....

Our family has been involved in foster care and adoption for over 8 years.  We started off with a desire to adopt.  We were NOT going to be foster parents.  Two weeks before Labor Day in 2003 God spoke to me and told me that DFS was going to call and we were to take that child. 

And...on Thursday before labor day weekend we got a call. They were short on "Foster Homes" and could we take in a 2 day old infant boy.  It was a "short term" placement, just until they found a regular foster home for him. I didn't have a single baby item left in my home.  Our children were 5 and 8 at the time.  My friends stepped in and met me at our daughters' school the next morning with a playpen, clothes etc and we headed to the hospital to pick him up. 

We were met by a not-so-friendly nurse and a very friendly DFS worker (Thanks Liz!).  I made the mistake of asking a simple question-"Is he circumcised?"  The nurse turned to me and said "I know how you hope this is going to turn out, no he is not circumcised."  I asked because I had GIRLS and wanted to know how to care for him.  And yes, in a very sad situation I was excited.  It was our first placement and maybe it seemed odd to her that I was excited about taking home this little fellow and loving on him! 

After bringing this guy home we were told over and over that one family member after another had expressed interest in him and that babies always go to relatives.  Which, if that was the plan for his life, was fine.

2 1/2 years later we stood before the judge finalizing the adoption of this wonderful little boy.

Does foster care always lead to adoption, NO.  We have since had many placements come through our home.  We have adopted 3 children in 8 years.  It wasn't that we planned on adopting more children.  They come into your home and heart and when they can not go home you have to ask yourself, "Can I send away these children, who have become just as much a part of my family as my own children."  My answer was no. 

I have been accused of ruining my family, one relative asked me "How could you do this and ruin your 'perfect' family?"  If I hadn't been so angry, I would have laughed.  It was a toss up between thinking I know who is ruining my family and wondering how she got the idea that my family was perfect.  I later realized you have the "perfect" family when you have "2" children and enough money to take them on nice vacations, pay for their entire college education, etc.  we have also had many supporters.  Many comment that they could never do this. It's a matter of choice. 

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